Latest trend in advisory journalism…

The latest trend in advisory / journalism etc… (Referring to some recent articles, write-ups etc. in various digital, physical & social, platforms)

This is the thought process….

First, we’ll write whatever comes to our mind (nevermind if it’s got any logic or not)

Next, we need not justify objectively & or rationally of the content

If the article creates panic, we’re not responsible because, we only write what we think (we’re neutral, oh really ?)

Finally, if the fairy tale indeed becomes a reality…our claim to fame – ‘Look, we’ve told you so’

The call can probably come right but the reasoning behind it can go absolutely wrong. But, It doesn’t matter. We told you so ??‍♂️

I’ll term this phenomenon as Shikari Shambu effect

(anyone who read tinkles with Shikari Shambu stories would understand what I’m referring to ?)

The reasoning, work, process, people, system etc. don’t matter in his stories…somehow, Shikari Shambu ends up on the right side ?

The authors of such articles would hopefully be praying for their subjective views to become a reality.

It might indeed become a reality ?
I don’t know

But definitely, the next stage of Shikari Shambu effect is termed as the Suppandi Effect (as stupid as it can become)

I hope that the authors, realise the thin line between being objective, realistic, data centric Vs a Harry Potter series

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