My Estate, Assets, Beneficiaries – Is this document in place?

All our life, we strive to convert our _*”Time into Money / Estate”*_, but then, most falter at the crucial point of a _*’responsible handover’*_ for an even more purposeful future (not ours)
What is this _’responsible handover of Assets / Liabilities / Estate?_ It’s having a _*”succession plan” – a plan to handover whatever is ‘material in nature’*_ ?
But, is it just ‘quantifiable material stuff’?….. Personally, I wouldn’t think of it that way. _*If the appropriate “Value System” is not transmitted over a time period to those beneficiaries of the estate, the ‘responsible handover’ is not done in complete sense*_
The assets / estate might only erode over a period of time with no benefits accruing to the larger society of which, we are all a part of.     
Some people have a question – _Why should I be bothered on, ‘whats going to happen, after I pass it on & when I’m no more in this world?’_. Yes, good point, but in which case; what’s the point of just toiling all life to create the estate in the first place. For one’s own pleasure only? ?
_*Why should we create it? What is the purpose of spending about 75 – 80% of one’s life on this futile exercise? Maybe, it works better to just walk away into the Himalayas at the very early stage of life & give up everything*_
_When we create something, We should also be responsible enough to hand it over in the right way & to possibly the right value system_.  
What is an appropriate value system? That’s a fact finding story in itself.
 Maybe, some other time.    
But, for the time – build a _*”Responsible Succession Plan”*_
_Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Clouds; keep moving from pace to place & are not static_. If they remain at  place, then, _*”Life becomes unsustainable”*_
_*Wealth is No Different, if it is not generously moved from generation to generation*_
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