Talk, Think, Act….the 3 dimensions in life of Investing
Think, Talk, Act – These 3 dimensions in one’s life form the base of a character or long term financial stability in money matters.
Yes, sometimes circumstances are beyond our control. We just can’t do anything there, but to go ahead and work around a solution within the available options.
But most times that I see, we are a consequence of our choices (decisions) /// _tomorrow’s consequences are a direct result of today’s decisions.
What we decide to do today (in life or with money), has an impact – sometimes immediately in the present and sometimes in the future money & life.
I don’t wish to comment on how difficult or not difficult it is for people to stand by on what they think, say & act but one thing is for sure…..
Thinking, x (ex)
Talking, x
Actioning, x
is a surely possible while Investing
Why can’t most stand by it?
We can justify as we wish to
Long term wealth gets created or losses get cut short when our thoughts, talks & actions are in sync, and not otherwise 🙏🏻