If you pledge an asset and take a loan against it, neither the asset nor the cash against it, is yours anymore – people never understand this

If you trade in any asset (especially the liquidity driven stock / commodity / currency markets), there’s only one entity which consistently makes the money – the Institution or the platform on which you trade -people never understand this

If you borrow and buy an asset / consumer durable / or any other material stuff, then, the asset isn’t yours until the borrowed money is paid back with interest to the lender – people never understand this

If you’ve lent money to anyone on interest (friend, family, acquaintance etc.), then you’ve not earned any interest unless you received back your principal amount – people never understand this

You’ve created great assets but have little liquidity, you’ve not understood the importance of having money at disposal for peaceful night sleep – people never understand this

You’ve seen all many terrible things happen to others with money, in family & friends circle, but you’ve not learnt from their mistakes – people never understand this

You know that you need to keep a solid succession plan in place, but it’s always moved as tomorrow’s item because you think it isn’t an important matter today – people never understand the importance of smooth succession

You know that it’s compounding which works best, but the actions done are mostly against it people -never understand this

You know that life is complicated, but can’t keep quiet to add money complication to it – mixing them in horrible proportions to make it a money & life cocktail people – never understand this

Can go on & on……😃

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