CAGR growth Vs Absolute Money growth comparison – a mind’s perception

Investors Overestimate the value of growth on their investments while comparing Absolute Growth (value of ‘growth in money terms’ on invested capital) & thoroughly underestimate the value of growth in CAGR terms (compounding annual growth rate)

Meaning…I hear people say, I invested ₹ 22 Lakhs in 1998 and see, today’s value is ₹ 1.75 Cr – it grew by a fantastic 8 times

Well, Yes it grew by 8 times but…

What’s the CAGR (pre tax, pre maintenance, pre other costs)?


8 times in absolute growth in 22 years is 9.88% in CAGR

So, when we see CAGR s….we also need to understand the actual dymanics of it ?

CAGR s of 10/ 12 / 13 / 15 ….are exponential growths for wealth accumulation in a longer time frame of 20 plus years

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