E = MC^2 (squared)

Albert Einstein came up with this equation after the World War II, though the concept was probably defined in 1905 (different variations emerged all through)

E = Energy of the Object

M = it’s Mass

C = Speed of light (in vacuum)

What’s this equation for to do with our Money thoughts? ?

Well, it’s pretty simple…

E = Energy of our Money (accumulated corpus for the future)

M = Money (the quantity contributed today – Mass)

C = Compounding squared

In simple terms…

The future need of our ‘Energy Money’ equals the ‘Mass Accumulation’ of it multiplied by the ‘Compounding rate’ (squared or not)

Energy travels at the speed of light
Energy Money travels at the speed of Compounding

Higher the mass (money – principal invested), faster it travels towards the end accumulation energy

If we can’t understand the Einstein’s equation, we are probably losing nothing personally.

But, if we can’t understand the equation from the Money standpoint, we’re losing everything possible

How good is your Money E = MC^2 ?

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