The Spending Geometry

The Geometry of Spending

Spending is defined as, ‘to give (money) to pay for goods & services, or so as to benefit someone or something’

There are three ways in which we primarily spend our money – On Ourselves, On Others & On Govt

On ourselves, for meeting all our basic needs, comforts and luxuries – We can have complete control over this. What to spend on & what not to spend on, is a complete choice which we possess.

On Others, for meeting societal obligations, charity etc. –We can have complete control over this, too. What to spend on & what not to spend on, is a complete choice which we possess.

On Govt., for paying the mandatory taxes (You Earn, You Pay) – We will have no control on any tax rates applicable. It is a subject matter which is well within the closeddomain of the govt / ruler.

Yes, there is an argument that we can ‘manage taxes’. We can, but still, we do not control the applicable tax rates, either directly or indirectly. At best, we can try tax efficiency, but still, the rates are not controlled.

The concept of spending beyond these three vertices of a triangle, is probably alien.

Whenever there is a cash outflow from us, it has to fall into the spectrum of any of these categories, or a mix of them.

The problem is not with Spending itself, but the way in which we keep going about it.

Of the three corners, we can surely & sincerely control two of them, but alas, for most, it is beyond their actions.

Control the two vertices of the triangle base, and the third one doesn’t pinch much.

Well, exceptions set aside on the third vertex.

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